Some time ago. The students of Study programme of psychology took part in an evaluation of workload in the year of 2022/2023 both in the beginning of the academic year (PTA) and in the end of the academic year (ATA).
This survey consists of several dimension of measurement, such as course implementation and dimension related to duration in lecturing, in assignment, self-study, as well as duration in exam. In addition, there are also dimension regarding lecturer competence, evaluation process and about students’ perception on overall workload
The results of this survey are reviewed from existing courses in each semester and can be seen as a whole based on dimensions. In the first semester of PTA 2022/2023, in general, the dimensions of course implementation, lecture duration, evaluation process and workload generally scored very suitable. Meanwhile, the duration of assignments and the duration of self-study received appropriate results. On the other hand, the duration of examinations received unsuitable results. However, in the second semester of ATA 2023-2024, the duration of the exam received appropriate results.
For complete results can be seen in the document available through the following google spreadsheet link STUDENT WORKLOAD EVALUATION SURVEY
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