The 2023/2024 academic year has been completed. Like the previous year, the student workload survey in 2023/2024 has been carried out and has been completed. This survey was conducted for both the beginning of academic year (PTA semester) as well as the end of academic year (ATA semester).
There was an improvement in the assessment of Semester 1 PTA 2023/2024 where in the previous year, the overall average in the exam duration section received an inappropriate result. But in PTA 2023/2024 it has changed to appropriate. Thank you for your participation in filling out the survey. With the results of this survey, it is hoped that it can help the Psychology Study Program to continue to improve its performance for the smoothness and effectiveness of teaching and learning activities. Changes are not always instantaneous, however, input from students through this survey can be one of the tools to monitor developments that occur.
The full results can be seen in the following link STUDENT WORKLOAD EVALUATION SURVEY Year 2023/2024
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