Workshop on Public Policy Advocacy for Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychological Service
Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Psikologi Indonesia (AP2TPI; an Indonesian Association of Higher Education in Psychology) and Center For Public Mental Health of Universitas Gadjah Mada organize Workshop on Public Policy Advocacy for Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychological Service in Yogyakarta from 14th – 16th of August 2024. This event discussed the advocacy program for the formation of psychology personnel in health services as well as arranging and plotting advocacy for public policy between universities and other institutions that have a role and contribution
The representatives sent by Universitas Gunadarma is Dr. Dona Eka Putri, MPsi, Psikolog as the Chairperson of the Adhoc Team for the Establishment of Universitas Gunadarma’s Professional Psychology Study Program. This activity also included a visit to better understand the practice of Puskesmas Psychologists in Yogyakarta. This is a much beneficial event for Universitas Gunadarma’s Professional Psychology Study Program to support field practice work and cooperation between universities and related institutions.