This community service activity is a collaboration between the Abdimas Team at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gunadarma and SMK Yadika 13 Tambun, Bekasi Regency. The activity entitled “The Importance of Growth Mindset in Generation Z” was held on Friday, November 10th, 2023. Located at SMK Yadika 13 Tambun, Bekasi Regency and keynote speaker, Dr. Marcia Martha, M.Si., this activity was attended by students and teachers at SMK Yadika 13.
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In her presentation, Dr. Marcia Martha explained that mindset is a set of beliefs or thoughts that shaped how we see and respond to ourselves and the world. Mindset itself is divided into two, namely fixed mindset and growth mindset.
Growth Mindset
It is a fundamental belief that their learning and intelligence can grow with time, effort and experience.
Growth Mindset in the Context of Vocational Education
“Growth Mindset is a conviction that one’s intelligence and abilities can be developed infinitely through learning and effort”
Individuals who have a growth mindset:
- Have the belief that intelligence, talent and traits are not a function of heredity/heredity.
- Accept challenges and take them seriously
- Stay forward-looking from failure
- Have a positive opinion of the effort
- Learn from criticism
- Find lessons and be inspired by the success of others
Fixed Mindset
Fixed Mindset is based on the common belief that the quality of a person is already established if one possesses a certain amount of intelligence, a certain personality and a certain moral character.
Individuals who have a fixed mindset usually :
- Believe that intelligence, talent, traits are a function of heredity.
- Believe that only talent leads to success
- Consider effort to achieve success pointless
- Avoid challenges
Be a teacher who has :
Unconditional love
A teacher who is exemplary
A teacher who can create a safe classroom
A teacher who respects each student’s thoughts
A teacher who can deliver instructions clearly to students
Growth Mindset Development: Vocational Education:
- The principle of developing a growth mindset in learning is to present challenges to students.
- Without challenges, students will not get the opportunity to take risks and sense of progress.
- Meanwhile, comfortable conditions without the opportunity to take risks will encourage a fixed mindset.
Claro, Susana; Paunesku, David; Dweck, Carol S. (2016). Growth mindset tempers the effects of poverty on academic achievement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(31), 8664–8668. doi:10.1073/pnas.1608207113
Hochanade, A., Finamore, D. (2015). Fixed And Growth Mindset In EducationAnd How Grit Helps Students Persist In The Face Of Adversity. Journal of International Education Research, No 11 (11)
Campbell, A., Craig, T., & Reed, BC. (2019): A framework for using learning theories to inform ‘growth mindset’ activities, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0020739X.2018.1562118
Muhibbin, M., & Wulandari, R. (2021). The Role of Grit In Indonesian Student. Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity, 3(2), 112-123.